اخبار فناوری صنعت آب و برق

تازه ترین خبرها درباره پیشرفت های علمی - فنی٬ پژوهش ها٬همایش ها و ... انرژی و صنعت آب و برق

اخبار فناوری صنعت آب و برق

تازه ترین خبرها درباره پیشرفت های علمی - فنی٬ پژوهش ها٬همایش ها و ... انرژی و صنعت آب و برق

۲۳ - ۲۱ نوامبر: نخستین سمپوزیوم بین المللی فناوری انرژی پاک٬ چین

استاد محترم مهرداد فرهادیان اطلاعات زیر را درباره نخستین سمپوزیوم بین المللی فناوری انرژی پاک (ISCET 2007) و سومین سمپوزیوم بین المللی انرژی زیستی و مهندسی روند زیستی (ISBBE 2007) که توسط دانشگاه علوم و فناوری شرق چین از ۲۳ - ۲۱ نوامبر برگزار می شود ارسال کرده اند.

The first International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology (ISCET 2007) and the third International Symposium on Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering (ISBBE 2007) sponsored by East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) will be held on November 21-23, 2007 in Shanghai, China. ISCET 2007 focuses on Biomass Energy, Clean Coal Technology, and Intensification on Petroleum Production and Application. The ISBBE 2007 focuses on general Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering. Attached please find the conference announcement for the two conferences (ISCET 2007 and ISBBE 2007). You may participate one of the two conferences and both with the minimum expense only for one conference. The conference fee was set to minimum (Regular participant: US$300; Student: US$200; Accompanying person: US$150) to encourage graduate students and post-docs to the conference.


The deadline of the abstract submission is June 30th, 2007 or until the conference is full. We are encouraging the early submission of your abstract. The selected presentations on the bioenergy related topics will be peer-reviewed and be published as a Special Issue of the SCI-cited international journal “Process Biochemistry” (Elsevier) under the agreement with Elsevier Publishing Group and Editorial Board of Process Biochemistry.


We are looking forward to your participation of our conference. It would be very appreciated if you could let your colleagues and friends in your department, organization or academic community to acknowledge this conference announcement and invite them to come.


Regarding updated information of the conference, please check our web-sites (http://biotech.ecust.edu.cn/SKLBE/ISCET/index.html).for ISCET 2007 and (http://biotech.ecust.edu.cn/SKLBE/ISBBE/index.html) for ISBBE 2007.


I am looking forward to your participation of our conferences.


Sincerely yours,


Jie Bao, PhD

Organization Committee of International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology (ISCET 2007) and International Symposium on Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering (ISBBE 2007),

Professor of State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering,

East China University of Science and Technology,

130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China

86-21-64251799 (phone); 86-21-64252250 (fax)


Conference websites:



General Announcement & Call for Abstracts


International Symposium on Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering (ISBBE 2007)


Date: Nov. 21 (Wed) - 23 (Fri), 2007

Venue: East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China

Language: English

Website: http://biotech.ecust.edu.cn/SKLBE/ISBBE/index.html

About the Symposium

In recent years, the energy crisis caused by the sharp increase of the oil price is threatening the world economy and social stability. Shifting the heavy dependence on petroleum to renewable energy is one of the most promising steps to set up a sustainable development pathway and relieve the greenhouse gas emissions. Biochemical engineers, together with biologists and chemists, are anticipated to play a more and more important role in the advancement of biotechnology and development of bioenergy industries. In order to provide a forum for exchanging up-to-date research results, discussing common research interests, exploring potential scientific cooperation, and improving friendship among active scientists from China and other parts of the world, an International Symposium on Bioenergy and Bioprocess Engineering (ISBBE 2007) is panned after discussion with our domestic and international colleagues. This event is a continual conference after the first (2003) and the second (2005) ISBBE conferences. The Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) under AIChE is a co-sponsor of ISBBE 2007. The selected presentations will be peer-reviewed and may be published as a Special Issue of the SCI-cited international journal “Process Biochemistry” (Elsevier).

We welcome senior scientists, young researchers, and excellent graduate students working on biology, chemistry, bioenergy, and/or engineering of biocatalysts to participate in this event at the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). The period of this event is specially arranged to link to the 4th Annual Conference of Chemical Engineering/Biochemical Engineering of China to be held on Nov. 26-29, 2007 in Hangzhou, China. The place is only about two hours to Shanghai by train. We encourage an early submission of high quality papers to this symposium.


Sponsors (in application)

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Magnolia Fund)


Scientific Advisory Board

1.         J.A. Howell, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, UK

2.         Raymond E. Spier, School of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Surrey, UK

3.         Rolf D. Schmid, University of Stuttgart, Germany

4.         Sakayu Shimizu, Kyoto University, Japan

5.         Yasuhisa Asano, Prefectural University of Toyama, Japan

6.         Uwe T Bornscheuer, University of Greifswald, Germany

7.         Daniel I.C. Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

8.         James N Seiber, Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA, USA

9.         Min Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA

10.     Dewey D.Y. Ryu, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

11.     Sunghoon Park, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

12.     Peter L Rogers, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

13.     Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA

14.     Feng Han, New Business Development Manager, Biofuels, Asia Pacific, DuPont, USA

15.     Mikhail V. Ivanov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

16.     Shengli Yang, Shanghai Life Science Institute, CAS, China

17.     Pingkai Ouyang, Nanjing University of Technology, China

18.     Yinchu Shen, Shanghai Pesticide Research Institute, China

19.     Guoqiang Lin, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China

20.     Zixin Deng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

21.     Jian Chen, Jiangnan University, China

22.     Tianwei Tan, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

23.     Yanhe Ma, Beijing Institute of Microbiology, CAS, China

24.     Jianchun Jiang, Nanjing institute of Forest Chemistry, China

25.     Daijie Chen, Shanghai Institute of Medicine Industry, China

26.     Jianjiang Zhong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

27.     Zhuan Cao, Tsinghua University, China

28.     Yinbo Qu, Shandong University, China

29.     Peilin Cen, Zhejiang University, China

30.     Shugui Cao, Jilin University, China

31.     Xiaojun Ma, Dalian Institute of Chemistry Physics, China

32.     Siliang Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

33.     Yuanxing Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

34.     Jianhe Xu, East China University of Science and Technology, China

35.     Dongzhi Wei, East China University of Science and Technology, China

36.     Wensong Tan, East China University of Science and Technology, China

37.     Qin Ye, East China University of Science and Technology, China


Organizing Committee

Chairman:  Jie Bao, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Members:  Daniel Auriel, Bayer Technology Service, China

Jie Bao, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Changhua Chen, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Fengxian Hu, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Philip W. Lee, DuPont Central Research and Development, China

Suxia Li, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Xuqin Liu, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Jiping Shi, Shanghai Tian Zhi Guan Renewable Energy Co. Ltd, China

Yajie Tang, Hubei University of Technology, China

Jingli Xie, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Jian Yu, Shanghai Clean Energy Research and Promotion Center, China

Guojing Zhao, Shanghai Shenneng New Energy Co. Ltd, China


Technical Program

All the presentations will be run in oral sessions. The topics will reflect the latest development and emerging areas in biomass energy, bioprocess engineering and biomanufacturing industry.

  1. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass
  2. Biodiesel: catalysis and feedstock options
  3. Fermentative and photosynthetic production of hydrogen
  4. Biological production of top value added chemicals from biomass
  5. Pilot and demonstration of integrated biorefineries
  6. Discovery and development of biocatalysts
  7. Biochemistry and molecular biology of enzymes
  8. Biotransformations in organic synthesis
  9. Industrial scale processes & development
  10. Bioreaction engineering & downstream processing


Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts of original research are invited for either oral or poster presentations. Abstracts and a graphical summary should be prepared using the instructions and template below.

The organizers and members of the scientific advisory board will review the abstracts and notify each submitter whether their abstract have been accepted for an oral or poster presentation. The abstract should include results and conclusions in order to allow a scientific assessment of the work.


Publication of Abstracts: Abstracts will be published in the conference program, which will be distributed to all participants.



Title (Please choose a short insightful title)

Authors (First & middle initials & last name of all contributing authors; mark the presenting author with an asterisk)

Affiliation (Include the department, university, and mailing address)

Contact (Please provide the email address for the corresponding author)

Graphical summary: The graphic may be no wider than 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) and no taller than 2 inches (5 cm). Text in the graphic is limited to the labeling of compounds, reaction arrows, and diagrams. Please choose Arial font type, preferably at 8 pt but no smaller than 6 pt.

Abstract (maximum 1000 words): Provide a two or three-paragraph summary. Please outline the problem(s) and underlying hypothesis for your project, as well as the experimental approach, results and the conclusions from your work. Literature references maybe integrated in the text.

SUBMIT ABSTRACT to bioreactor@ecust.edu.cn  or  jbao@ecust.edu.cn.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the symposium proceedings, which will be available at registration. Authors should submit their abstracts via email attachment (in Microsoft Word file) NOT later than June 30th, 2007; or until conference is full. It is determined that one applicant can only have one oral talk. The organizers encourage the participation by graduate students. We hope to ensure a well-interacted symposium for all the speakers.



Shanghai Airlines Travel Hotel is a three-star hotel and in downtown area of Shanghai, 15 minutes walking distance from East China University of Science and Technology, the conference location. The hotel is approximately 1 hour driving distance from Pudong International Airport of Shanghai.


Contact Information

If you know of colleagues who would be interested in this conference, please direct them to this website. For further information, please contact:

Dr. Jie Bao (jbao@ecust.edu.cn) or Ms. Xuqin Liu (bioreactor@ecust.edu.cn)

Address: State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China

Tel &Fax: 86-21-6425-2250


Conference fees

The conference fees for participants include registration, admission to all conference sessions, accommodation in Shanghai Airline Hotel, welcome reception, farewell dinner, coffee breaks, and one set of proceedings. There will be no admission to the conference without registration. The conference fees are as follows.

Academic researcher: US$300

Graduate student: US$200

Accompanying person: US$150

The conference may provide partial financial assistance to some participants upon their request, who have submitted high quality abstracts but have financial difficulties in attending this symposium. In this case, a reduced registration fee can be offered.


Important Dates

E-mail submission of meeting abstract & application form: NOT later than June 30th, 2007.

Notification of acceptance by email: September 30th, 2007.

*Upon our receipt of a submitted abstract, a confirmation email will be sent to the presenting author as soon as possible.


Application Form for Participation in the Bio & Bio Symposium

Please submit this form and an abstract by email attachment before June 30th, 2007.

Name (the same spelling as in passport):

Passport number and Gender:

Job Title/Position:

Organization and detailed mailing address (including postal code):




For a graduate student:  Advisor’s Name, E-mail and Phone

Category of Presentation Topic: (please select from “A-J” as listed in the Technical Program)

Presentation Tool: Microsoft Office PowerPoint (PPT)


Submission of an abstract and application form indicates that the applicant will join in the meeting and pay the fees to the conference.



General Announcement and Call for Abstracts


International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology 2007

(ISCET 2007)


East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)

November 21-23, 2007

130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, China


About this conference

The International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology sponsored by East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) will be held on November 21-23, 2007 in Shanghai, China (http://biotech.ecust.edu.cn/SKLBE/ISCET/index.html). The symposium is organized by two Chinese state key laboratories, the State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (SKLBE), and State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering (SKLCE). The theme is Energy - Chemical Engineering Approach, and topics include Biomass Energy, Clean Coal Technology, and Intensification on Petroleum Production and Utilization. The selected presentations on biomass energy will be peer-reviewed and may be published as a Special Issue of the SCI-cited international journal “Process Biochemistry” (Elsevier).


The period of this event is specially arranged to link to the 4th Annual Conference of Chemical Engineering/Biochemical Engineering of China to be held on Nov. 26-29, 2007 in Hangzhou, China. The place is only about two hours to Shanghai by train. We encourage an early submission of high quality papers to this symposium.


Abstracts of original research are invited for either oral or poster presentations. The organizers and members of the scientific advisory board will review the abstracts and notify each submitter whether their abstract have been accepted for an oral or poster presentation. The abstract should include results and conclusions in order to allow a scientific assessment of the work. Please submit the abstract by email attachment before June 30th, 2007 or until conference is full.


The topics and sub-topics of the International Symposium on Clean Energy Technology 2007 include:


1. Biomass Energy

Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass

Biodiesel: catalysis and feedstock options

Biogasification for synthetic fuel production

Biopower for heating and electricity

Bio-hydrogen production

Pilot and demonstration of integrated biorefineries


2. Clean Coal Technology

Coal gasification for hydrogen and syngas

Direct and indirect liquefaction of coal

Power generation by integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)

Coal-based co-production system

Reduction of carbon dioxide release

Ethanol/ether fuel and methanol to olefins (MTO)


3. Intensification on Petroleum Production and Utilization

Microbiological and biogeochemical methods for oil recovery

Residual oil conversion to natural gas in-situ petroleum reservoir

Molecular differentiation and reaction chemistry of petroleum hydrocarbons

Directed the synthesis of oxo-organic compounds

Pathway engineering for clean hydrocarbon fuel



State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering of China, and State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering of China, East China University of Science and Technology, China


Conference Chairs

Robert C. Armstrong

Professor of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


Weikang Yuan

Professor of East China University of Science and Technology, and the Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China


International Scientific Advisory Committee

Robert C. Armstrong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

De Chen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Feng Han, New Business Development Manager, Biofuels, Asia Pacific, DePount, USA

Mikhail V. Ivanov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Lingai Luo, Université de Savoie, Le Bourget-Du-Laccedex, France

Murray Moo-Young, University of Waterloo, Canada

Pingkai Ouyang, Nanjing University of Technology, China

Sunghoon Park, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

Peter L Rogers, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Dewey D.Y. Ryu, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

James N Seiber, Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA, USA

Douglas Smoot, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA

Jefferson W. Tester, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA

Daniel I.C. Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

Shengli Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Weikang Yuan, East China University of Science and Engineering, China

Min Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA

Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA

Jianjiang Zhong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Plenary or Key-Note Speakers

De Chen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Feng Han, New Business Development Manager, Biofuels, Asia Pacific, DePount, USA

Yi Liu, Jilin Fuel Ethanol Co. Ltd, Petro China, China

Lingai Luo, Université de Savoie, Le Bourget-Du-Laccedex, France

Tamara N. Nazina, Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Russia

Sunghoon Park, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

Peter L Rogers, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Dewey D.Y. Ryu, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

James N Seiber, Western Regional Research Center, Albany, CA, USA

L. Douglas Smoot, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA

Fuchen Wang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Yongjie Yan, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Jian Yu, Shanghai Clean Energy Research and Promotion Center, China

Min Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA

Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA

Guojing Zhao, Shanghai Shenneng New Energy Co. Ltd, China


Organization Committee

Chairman: Xuhong Qian, East China University of Science and Technology, China

Members: Daniel Auriel, Bayer Technology Service, China

                Philip W. Lee, DuPont Central Research and Development, China

                Jian Yu, Shanghai Clean Energy Research and Promotion Center, China

                Guojing Zhao, Shanghai Shenneng New Energy Co. Ltd, China

                Hua Bao, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Jie Bao, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Yulu Ma, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Bozhong Mu, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Fuchen Wang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Jingli Xie, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Jingyi Yang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Dexiang Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Jianjiang Zhong, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Zhijie Zhou, East China University of Science and Technology, China

                Xinggui Zhou, East China University of Science and Technology, China



Shanghai Airlines Travel Hotel is a three-star hotel and in downtown area of Shanghai, 15 minutes walking distance from East China University of Science and Technology, the conference location. The hotel is approximately 1 hour driving distance from Pudong International Airport of Shanghai.


Conference Fees

Regular: US$300

Student: US$200

Accompanying person: $150


The Conference fee includes registration, meals, abstract book of the conference, snack lunches, a banquet and a half-day tour of Shanghai.


Contact Information

If you know of colleagues who would be interested in this conference, please direct them to this website. For further information, please contact: Dr. Jie Bao (jbao@ecust.edu.cn)



State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, or State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering

East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China

Tel &Fax: 86-21-6425-2250


Application Form


Job Title: Mr.     Ms.     Dr.     Prof.     (select)


Mailing Address:  City:


Postal Code:




Email Address:


Abstract Submission


Abstracts and a graphical summary should be prepared using the instructions and template below. Please submit this the abstract by email attachment before June 30th, 2007 or until conference is full.


Publication of Abstracts

Abstracts will be published in the conference program, which will be distributed to all participants.



Title (Please choose a short insightful title)

Authors (First & middle initials & last name of all contributing authors; mark the presenting author with an asterisk)

Affiliation (Include the department, university, and mailing address)

Contact (Please provide the email address for the corresponding author)

Graphical summary: The graphic may be no wider than 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) and no taller than 2 inches (5 cm). Text in the graphic is limited to the labeling of compounds, reaction arrows, and diagrams. Please choose Arial font type, preferably at 8 pt but no smaller than 6 pt.

Abstract (maximum 1000 words): Provide a two or three-paragraph summary. Please outline the problem(s) and underlying hypothesis for your project, as well as the experimental approach, results and the conclusions from your work. Literature references maybe integrated in the text.


SUBMIT ABSTRACT to jbao@ecust.edu.cn or bioreactor@ecust.edu.cn


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